July 30, 2007

Create Dream-Team Relationships for Success

Success is not a solo project - it is something that needs to
be shared. And success is not a competition. There's plenty of
it to go around. We just have to work together - with the same
goal in mind - to ensure success. It's all about synergy - the
concept of adding one plus one and getting eleven - not two.
It's the idea that people working together can accomplish far
more than they could working separately.
Incredible power can be released when people work together.
Associating with like-minded, success-oriented, joyful indivi-
duals - or Dream Teaming - is the most amazing success tool
that exists.
Anyone who achieves great success - anyone - must have a Dream
Team. Instant solutions exist in Dream Teaming. They help you
to take your ideas and expand them into greatness. A Dream Team
will help you focus on your goals - whatever they may be.
What characteristics should your Dream Team possess? In order
to have a successful Dream Team, you'll need at least one more
person with whom you have a common purpose. You have to have a
partner to think through situations and circumstances.
These people should have limitless vision and work together for
a single goal. Both your hearts and your heads have to be in
harmony with one another. You may even have several Dream Teams
for different goals - that's okay. Always be on the lookout for
the best people and then ask them.
Also, every member should be on a three-month probation period.
If they show themselves to be selfish, negative or egotistical
they have to leave. It should be determined from the outset -
none of you in the Dream Team can allow for "energy suckers"
in your group.
This is your life you're building - don't make exceptions because
a fit may not be quite right. Attitude is everything and it can
make or break your success, as an individual and as a group.
There should be a spirit of joy and contribution to the group.
After all, that's all you should have room for in your life.
The relationships between you and your Dream Team must be
confidential. Your results should speak for themselves - they
will tell the world what you have going on with your Dream Team.
Only the team should know the goal. Only dedicated, committed,
joyful Dream Teams achieve great success.
Lastly, remember this: All of us have self-doubt, but remember
that your Dream Team sees more in you than you see in yourself.
You're there to cheer each other on, to encourage one another
when you become weary, to identify bad habits and help change
The members in your Dream Team tell you the truth so that you
can be all that you can be. Together, you and your Dream Team
can master and conquer anything.
Action Step:
In closing I'd like to offer one simple exercise from "How To
Think Bigger Than You Ever Thought You Could Think" that I'd
like you to complete in the week ahead:
When you envision your dream life, with whom do you see your-
self working and associating? Who are your friends? What
characteristics do your Dream Team members possess? It is
necessary for you to visualize the kind of people you plan to
bring into your life, because these are the people you will
attract to you.
This exercise is simple. Sit in your favorite chair, in a quiet
room with your favorite inspirational music playing. Have a pen
and notebook handy. Now sit back, close your eyes and see your
life as you want it to be.
Who's there with you at work and at play? Who are the people
in your industry that you admire most? Who do you want to
learn from? Who do you want to laugh with? Who do you want
to call "friend?" What attributes would these people have?
Would they be joyful, funny, talented, positive, unselfish,
Make a list of 200 prestigious, influential, and powerful
people, with whom you want to work, play, grow and do business.
This may take a while, but it is one of the most important
stepping-stones to achieving the life you envision.
-Mark Victor Hansen-

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