July 30, 2007

Create Dream-Team Relationships for Success

Success is not a solo project - it is something that needs to
be shared. And success is not a competition. There's plenty of
it to go around. We just have to work together - with the same
goal in mind - to ensure success. It's all about synergy - the
concept of adding one plus one and getting eleven - not two.
It's the idea that people working together can accomplish far
more than they could working separately.
Incredible power can be released when people work together.
Associating with like-minded, success-oriented, joyful indivi-
duals - or Dream Teaming - is the most amazing success tool
that exists.
Anyone who achieves great success - anyone - must have a Dream
Team. Instant solutions exist in Dream Teaming. They help you
to take your ideas and expand them into greatness. A Dream Team
will help you focus on your goals - whatever they may be.
What characteristics should your Dream Team possess? In order
to have a successful Dream Team, you'll need at least one more
person with whom you have a common purpose. You have to have a
partner to think through situations and circumstances.
These people should have limitless vision and work together for
a single goal. Both your hearts and your heads have to be in
harmony with one another. You may even have several Dream Teams
for different goals - that's okay. Always be on the lookout for
the best people and then ask them.
Also, every member should be on a three-month probation period.
If they show themselves to be selfish, negative or egotistical
they have to leave. It should be determined from the outset -
none of you in the Dream Team can allow for "energy suckers"
in your group.
This is your life you're building - don't make exceptions because
a fit may not be quite right. Attitude is everything and it can
make or break your success, as an individual and as a group.
There should be a spirit of joy and contribution to the group.
After all, that's all you should have room for in your life.
The relationships between you and your Dream Team must be
confidential. Your results should speak for themselves - they
will tell the world what you have going on with your Dream Team.
Only the team should know the goal. Only dedicated, committed,
joyful Dream Teams achieve great success.
Lastly, remember this: All of us have self-doubt, but remember
that your Dream Team sees more in you than you see in yourself.
You're there to cheer each other on, to encourage one another
when you become weary, to identify bad habits and help change
The members in your Dream Team tell you the truth so that you
can be all that you can be. Together, you and your Dream Team
can master and conquer anything.
Action Step:
In closing I'd like to offer one simple exercise from "How To
Think Bigger Than You Ever Thought You Could Think" that I'd
like you to complete in the week ahead:
When you envision your dream life, with whom do you see your-
self working and associating? Who are your friends? What
characteristics do your Dream Team members possess? It is
necessary for you to visualize the kind of people you plan to
bring into your life, because these are the people you will
attract to you.
This exercise is simple. Sit in your favorite chair, in a quiet
room with your favorite inspirational music playing. Have a pen
and notebook handy. Now sit back, close your eyes and see your
life as you want it to be.
Who's there with you at work and at play? Who are the people
in your industry that you admire most? Who do you want to
learn from? Who do you want to laugh with? Who do you want
to call "friend?" What attributes would these people have?
Would they be joyful, funny, talented, positive, unselfish,
Make a list of 200 prestigious, influential, and powerful
people, with whom you want to work, play, grow and do business.
This may take a while, but it is one of the most important
stepping-stones to achieving the life you envision.
-Mark Victor Hansen-

Learn From All: Share Your Dream with Few

According to a close friend of mine, she keeps sharing her
dream (in this case we are defining a dream as an ultimate
business success goal) with people who call her "silly" and
otherwise put her down for having that dream.
I asked her, "why put yourself through that?"
"After all" I suggested, "If you're going to share your dream,
share it with those who will encourage and support you; not
insult you."
That's not to say, of course, that you shouldn't seek counsel
from people; even if those people might be negative. If they
are "thinking people" whom you respect, you can use their
thoughts to see where you might or might not need to adjust
your planning.
Roy Disney was notorious as the person who always told his
brother, Walt why something "couldn't" be done. Of course, Walt
typically did it anyway, and quite often his projects succeeded,
but he respected his brother's wisdom enough to take counsel in
what he said.
That's fine. I also have a "Negative Nellie" - type person I
seek out to run ideas past because I know that, if he tells me
it's a winner; it probably is. But, if he tells me it's a loser;
even if I don't agree with him and decide to go ahead anyway,
I'll usually learn a couple good points in which I need to
re-think my plans. That's different from what my friend is doing.
You see, if you're sharing your dream with those you feel close
to and being flat-out insulted or put-down because of this,
you're not doing yourself (or your dream) a service, but instead
doing something most likely very counter productive to achieving
your goals.
"Joan" said this person called her "silly." To me, that's not
a critique worth taking seriously. Had he said, "here's why I
don't think it will work" and then went on to list some reasons,
then it gives her something to consider and think through. That
doesn't mean she has to agree or act upon any or all of his
However, it might be a good idea to consider the source. If that
erson has a track record of accomplishment, it certainly would
be worthwhile for her to seriously weigh that advice.
However, "it's silly" does not sound like that is the case.
That kind of "critique" typically comes from people who call
themselves "realists."
And, remember what Jim Cathcart (www.jimcathcart.com) says,
"....a realist is simply a pessimist who doesn't want to admit
it. I've never heard a 'realist' take an optimistic posture on
any topic. They always say, 'Let's be realistic,' and then go
on to explain why your idea can't be done. Imagine a realist
saying, 'Realistically, we don't yet know what the possibilities
are. This could be easier than we think!'"
I like Jim's take. And, I think it's important - not only that
we seek out people who, at best, support our dreams and, at
worst, critique with "consideration and thoughtfulness"
(meaning they are truly considering their suggestions and are
filled with thought) - that we do the same when someone runs
an idea past us.
This doesn't mean we should tell someone that we think their
idea is terrific if we think it's a "turkey." What it does
mean is that, if we don't feel it's going to be the next big
success, we consider it carefully, and explain why. And, it
goes without saying, that we do so with "consideration and
thoughtfulness" (in this case, meaning we consider their
feelings and filled with thought on how we phrase our critique).
Remember, most people are not interested in your dream. And,
half of those who are interested, are only interested because
it gives them a chance to say something negative about it; thus
making themselves feel temporarily better.
So, choose wisely those with whom you share your dream.
Learn from everyone, but share your dream with few.
(Written by
Bob Burg)

The Power to Dream with Faith

Like many people, I am finding myself at a point in life where
I just don't have the same willpower I once did. I tell myself
to do things like eat healthier or get more exercise, but I'm
just not motivated the way I used to be.
When giving up is not an option, but motivation isn't working,
where else can you turn? Consider faith. Getting in touch with
what you believe or hold to be true is one of the most powerful
forces in the universe.
Many of us have deep faith but have forgotten how to tap into
it personally. I have been doing a great deal of exploration on
this and have found that I often have to remember to believe,
to literally and consciously choose to believe and then act on
what I believe to prove that I actually do.

I recently attended a convention that I have gone to for many
years and I caught myself having negative thoughts and beliefs.
I believed that everyone had already hired me and therefore
there were no more opportunities there for me.
Those negative beliefs quickly took me into feelings of despair
as I began to shrink and withdraw. As I disappeared into my fear
and doubt, soon no one was talking to me.
Then I realized, I was creating my reality. Based on what I
wanted, I asked myself what I could believe. I could believe
there were countless opportunities there for me, not just for
business, but also that for making new friends and having fun.
I chose to believe this was the perfect place for me to be.
Then I set an intention to easily meet great people. Suddenly,
it was like I entered a different reality. Within minutes I
shifted who I was and my world transformed with me. Within an
hour, two people I had never met before hired me! And that
evening I had a real blast, including dancing.
Here's a personal example of how I used this with my family.
I was long overdue in seeing a close relative. In my memory,
this person was difficult to be with, so I assumed it was going
to be an unpleasant visit. Again, I caught myself in the act
and chose to believe that we loved each other. Sure enough,
our time together was beautiful and when it was time to leave,
I actually wanted to stay longer.
In both examples, it wasn't my will that caused the change. It
was my belief, my deep faith in miracles and my knowledge that
miracles can occur anytime and anyplace if we can just get
willing. And that's when I realized this is the ideal use of
We can use our will to make choices, to choose to believe and
to change our mindset. There is nothing as powerful as our
faith and through our personal beliefs we have the ability to
deepen our faith and trust. (Written by
Marcia Wieder)

July 26, 2007

5 Dynamite Ways to Live Your Dream NOW!

"I'm a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are our first
casualty in life -people seem to give them up, quicker than
anything, for a 'reality'." - Kevin Costner
Did you ever say to yourself, "Someday, I'm going to..." and
yet "someday" never seems to arrive?
Dreams really are the first casualty in life because we give
them up based on some past "reality". What do you really want?
Do you want to learn how to play a musical instrument,take an
acting class, make more money, improve a skill or finish a
book you've been putting off?
We all have dreams, even if they seem buried within us and we
don't notice the flame any more. Too often we allow our
failures and near failures from the past to become our current
reality and it seems our dreams are out of reach. They're not.
We know we've allowed the past to dictate our present when we
think or say things like, "I don't know if this will work" or
"I can't really do this, I've tried before and it didn't work".
These are the so-called past "realities" we've allowed to
interfere with our present and our future.
If Jim Carrey believed his past was the measuring stick, he
would have never been paid $15 million to act in a film.
If Sylvester Stallone believed in his past"reality", Rocky
would have never been made.
Look at anyone you believe is successful and you will find
that their dreams were not based on some past "reality" or they
would have been dropped long ago.
Here are 5 great strategies to turn your dreams into a reality!
1. Be Clear - Any dream requires that we are crystal clear in
our vision. What do you really want? Clear visions lead to clear
choices and the majority of my clients are not clear about what
they want. They think they are but soon discover they are not.
2. See it as an established Fact - My clients find this step
to be somewhat challenging. Their logical minds step in and
think,"How can I see it as real if it hasn't happened yet?"
Dreams are the ultimate use of human imagination at its best.
See your dream as an established fact even though it has not
materialized yet. The body does not know the difference between
imagination and reality and if you imagine your dream as already
accomplished, your body will experience it that way and it will
propel you to think, say and do things in accordance with it.
Jim Carrey wrote himself a 10 million dollar check for "acting
services rendered" months before he was actually offered that
amount. Jack Nicklaus saw every shot before hehit it and
Donald Trump sees a casino on a plot of land before it
actually exists.
3. Feel the Passion - This is a crucial element in the process.
Feelings are stronger than the intellect and when you add
"feeling power" to your images you add a tremendous force
toward the accomplishment of your dream. Can you feel how good
it feels to accomplish your dream? Imagine yourself earning
the money you desire, running a successful business, seeing how
your product or service helps customers, traveling, being
healthy and happy, building relationships, etc. Generate the
warm, powerful feelings that your dream triggers within you and
feel it.
4. Bounce Forward - "Bad times have a scientific value. These
are occasions a good learner would not miss." – Ralph Waldo
It is inevitable that the path toward your dream will be
filled with ups and downs.You will encounter disappointments
and nay-sayers along the way. However, these are all
opportunities to clarify and enhance your dream. As Emerson
writes, "These are occasions a good learner would not miss".
Use these moments as lessons and indicators that will help you
bolster your dream even more.
5. Act Every Day - "My results today aren't as important as
the seeds I cultivate for tomorrow" - Anon.
Dreams require daily cultivation. Nurture your dream by
paying attention to it and nourishing it every day. This means
going through steps 1 - 4 each day and follow-up with action.
Make contact with those who can help support your dream.
Make the call, take the action and follow through every day.
In addition, allow others to support you on your journey.
As you envision and see your dream accomplished you will draw
the people and situations to you who can support it.
(Written by David Breslow)